Marketing Basic

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Welcome to Marketing Basic

Marketing is a very old activities that's already existed since ancient time, even more since the beginning of human, Adam and Eve. We could found it when Devil seduce Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, the Devil has promoted the fruit by offering the untold benefits of it, eventhough it is totally not true. But obviously the Devil we could say already becomes the forbidden-fruit marketer.

I'm not saying marketing is a bad-devil stuff. Actually its a neutral stuff, we could use it for good or bad. Its all depend on us. Marketing is not about lie, its about limited honesty by offering a good side of something without revealing all the weak details unless you have to. Its about selling stuff, selling ourself or others. So, marketing is universal, its everywhere. You could find it in business, politic, romance, you name it.

The basic marketing that already established and well known consist of four components of Marketing Mix which are Product, Price, Place, Promotion or we also identify it as 4P concept. In later days the concept of 4P is evolving in order to make the marketing strategy sharper, so its became 6P by adding Packaging and Proposition. Actually Packaging is coming from Product and Proposition is coming from Promotion. With the new concept, we could define Product for all product related component such as formulation, perfume, quality, efficacy, senator heart - capability. While Packaging is more to outside look, how people find the product in visual, how job seeker dress up, in order to make the consumer attracted to our products on shelf/display. Price is all about the value of the product related to target consumer affordability. Place is about where your product existed, easily founded, well distributed. Proposition is about how we put our product in the market, who is our target market, could be man, women, housewife, kids, or even more specific to premium women product, etc. Promotion is about how we make consumer aware about our the product through ATL communication (TV, Print, Radio), BTL (activation, sampling, product demo), and direct consumer promo such as discount, gift, etc.

Now its clearly different between Marketing and Sales, since its not just selling the product, but its more to long term branding by orchestrating the Marketing Mix, its about giving the right reason for consumer to buy our product.

And that's the Marketing Basic where every marketing practicion should aware about. Hope its short to the point enough for us to understand.


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